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Royalty Shines A Light


Royalty is not just a brand! Royalty is not just a way of life! Royalty is identity; our identity in Christ!! The Royalty mission is Knowing our value in Christ. Knowing who we are as his chosen children. Realizing as sons we are the heirs to the throne room with him/Christ. We hold the knowledge as children of God, we are alive in Christ and we walk in his favor everywhere we go. We hold the keys to the kingdom. We are of royal stature! Our value is great! We are ROYALTY! 

We have the authority to stomp on demons. Our kingdom will prevail over all the world and the enemies’ counterfeit kingdom. As the royal family we have greatness in us which leads towards the true kingdom. Royalty cares for others in the kingdom. We know we all have a call in our lives and God wouldn’t call us unless he wanted to use our voice. We are not in competition with our brothers and sisters in Christ We are all collaborating for the same goal, the same team! Our goal is to be his true friends and bring his loved ones that are not yet brought into the family into that love too. We love to spread God’s word and love and make the kingdom grow because we have new eyes, new hearts and new love of God, so we love his people!! We are part of the most just, most loving, most merciful, graceful amazing kingdom there has ever been and will ever be! Join us and become Royalty too!! We know you were created to be royal, walk in favor, purpose like no other, love and Joy!!!


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Jack Doe

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Lisa White

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Michael Doe
Fashion Designer

Jessica StoneMinistry Assistant
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Stacy FloresTeam Leader
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Robert WhiteCampaign Director
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James TrumanSenior Accountant
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